Goats Milk - A Magic Bullet For Skin Care?

By Roger Cantrell

Goat milk has long taken a back seat to the cows variety, but the benefits of drinking it are far greater than with cows milk.

If you are a person that has skin problems like psoriasis or eczema then this could be for you.

The domestic goat is a subspecies domesticated from the wild variety from southwest Asia and Eastern Europe and are one of the oldest domesticated species, and For thousands of years have been used for their milk hide meat etc, (Queen Cleopatra from ancient Egypt used to bathe in goat milk) The goat is a member of the Bovidae family and is closely related to sheep, both being in the antelope subfamily Caprinae.

Milk production varies with the breed, age, quality, and diet of the doe; dairy goats generally produce between 600 to 1,750 Liters per year.

Some goats are bred for milk, which can be drunk fresh, although pasteurization would be recommended to reduce naturally occurring bacteria, and it is also commonly processed into cheese, where small commercial operations offer goat butter and ice cream.

The benefits of using goat milk are as follows .. Because most humans lose the ability to fully digest milk after childhood (that is, they become lactose intolerant or have C.M.A. (see above)
Then the milk from the humble goat could be the answer to your intolerance problems because it contains less lactose (Lactose is a composite of two simple sugars, glucose and galactose)
than cow's milk so is less likely to trigger any intolerance. The milk is naturally homogenized since it lacks the protein agglutinin and the curd is much smaller.

Other qualities it has also is a very similar makeup (percentage of fats, etc.) to human milk than cow's and it also contains 20% less cholesterol than cows milk.

Goat butter is white when compared to the yellow butter derived from cow's milk because the goat produces milk with the yellow beta-carotene converted to a colorless form of vitamin A.

Some people are put off using these products but the benefits far outweigh any miss givings that you may have. I wholeheartedly recommend drinking and using goat products as I myself have been using them for quite a while and can state that that it does in fact have great beneficial effects if you suffer from skin problems such as eczema.

Copyright Roger Cantrell 2007

For more information on goats milk in realation to skin conditions go to .. http://www.cold-sores-treatment-remedies.com/goatsmilk.htm

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Roger_Cantrell http://EzineArticles.com/?Goats-Milk---A-Magic-Bullet-For-Skin-Care?&id=885038